Thea wallpaper Hero Wars

Thea Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. Last updated: April 13, 2024.
Main Attributes
Position: Back line
Function: Healer
Main Stat: Intelligence
Faction: Nature
How to get Soul Stones: Events, Heroic Chest, Chapter 2, 4, 7
Tier List 2024
Hero Tier List: B
Hydra Tier List: A

Mastering Thea: A Guide to Strategic Usage

In the ever-evolving realm of Hero Wars Alliance, each hero brings a unique set of skills and abilities to the battlefield. Today, we'll be delving into the intricacies of Thea, a healer with a plethora of strategic options despite not being a frequent sight in end-game lineups.

Understanding Thea's Role:

Before we dive into strategies, it's essential to recognize Thea's role within your team composition. While she may not be as prominent as Martha, another healer in the game, Thea still offers valuable utility and support.

Thea's Skill Set:

  1. Solar Sanctuary:
    Thea's first skill, Solar Sanctuary, is a boon to your team's survivability. It heals all members, providing a substantial amount of health regeneration based on Thea's Magic Attack and skill level.
  2. Healing Beam:
    With Healing Beam, Thea targets the ally with the lowest health, offering targeted healing to keep your team in the fight. The potency of this heal scales with Thea's Magic Attack and skill level.
  3. Vow of Silence:
    Vow of Silence is Thea's disruptive tool, silencing enemies for a significant duration. This skill not only neutralizes enemy spellcasting but also deals damage based on Thea's Magic Attack and skill level.
  4. Second Wind:
    Second Wind complements Thea's healing abilities by increasing the skill speed of healed allies. This buff allows your team to unleash their abilities more frequently, giving you a strategic advantage in prolonged battles.

Strategies for Thea:

Thea's Talisman Guide

Thea's talisman is a crucial item that can greatly enhance her performance in battles. When equipped with the talisman, Thea gains 2,000 more magical defense in her stats, providing her with increased survivability against magical attacks. Additionally, she receives 21,000 more magical attack points, significantly boosting her healing ability.

With these enhancements, Thea becomes a much more effective healer, able to keep her allies alive for longer periods during battles. This makes her an invaluable asset in any team, especially in nature faction teams where her healing prowess can turn the tide of a battle.

The increased healing provided by Thea's talisman not only benefits her allies but also makes her a more formidable presence on the battlefield. As a result, she is likely to be seen more frequently in nature faction teams, where her healing abilities are highly valued.

Sanctuary Talisman Attributes
Slot Statistics Points
0 Intelligence +2000
1 Magic Attack +6000
2 Magic Attack +6000
3 Magic Attack +6000

Thea Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Healing
  • Silence enemies for 4 seconds
  • Heals and increases ally's skill speed by 50% for 4 seconds

Negative Points

  • Healing is not enough
  • Needs to level a lot to heal enough

Strategic Evolution for Thea in Hero Wars Alliance

Thea, while not as prominent as other heroes, can play a crucial role in your team when evolved strategically. Here are some suggestions for prioritizing glyphs, artifacts, and skins to maximize Thea's potential:

Glyph Priority:

  • Magic Attack: Increasing Thea's magic power is crucial to enhancing the effectiveness of her healing and damage-dealing abilities.
  • Health: Boosting Thea's health helps ensure her survival on the battlefield, allowing her to continue healing her team.
  • Armor: Increasing Thea's armor can help her withstand physical attacks, making her more resilient against certain enemies.
  • Intelligence: Boosting Thea's intelligence can improve her healing ability and increase the damage of her skills.
  • Magical Defense: While less of a priority than other glyphs, increasing Thea's magical defense can be useful against teams focusing on magical abilities.

Artifact Priority:

  • Book: Prioritizing the book will further increase Thea's magic power, strengthening her healing and damage-dealing abilities.
  • Ring: The ring can offer additional magic attack and resistance benefits, increasing Thea's durability on the battlefield.
  • Weapon (Magical Defense): A weapon that increases Thea's magical defense can be useful in facing teams with high magical damage.

Skin Priority:

  • Health: Prioritizing skins that increase Thea's health can enhance her resistance and durability.
  • Magic Attack: Increasing Thea's magic power enhances both her healing ability and her damage.
  • Intelligence: Boosting Thea's intelligence can further improve her healing and damage abilities.
  • Armor: Increasing Thea's armor can make her more resistant to physical attacks, improving her survival.

By prioritizing these attributes in glyphs, artifacts, and skins, you can turn Thea into a valuable piece of your team in Hero Wars Alliance, maximizing her potential as a support and healer.

Thea with masquerade skin, Hero Wars Alliance.
Thea with masquerade skin, Hero Wars Alliance.

Thea vs Hydra

Thea is a great hero against hydras, her fourth purple ability causes Thea to accelerate her allies every time she heals them, so it is a good combination with Jhu and Mojo to deal more damage to Hero Wars hydras; this combo is one of the best against fire hydras; every 11 seconds or every time she recharges energy Thea will heal Jhu and speed up by 50%.

  • Thea's team suggestion for Hydra: Thea, Mojo, Jhu, Tristan, Astaroth

Thea in Battles

Strong Against

  • Hydras, mainly against Fire Hydra hastening Jhu


  • Celeste - Cleaver - Cornelius - Phobos - Iris - Jhu - Jorgen

Thea Best Teams

# Team Composition
1 Thea, Jorgen, Maya, Satori, Astaroth
2 Thea, Lars, Celeste, Krista, Ziri
3 Thea, Lars, Celeste, Krista, Astaroth
4 Thea, Lars, Jorgen, Krista, Aurora
5 Thea, Lars, Celeste, Krista, Aurora
6 Thea, Faceless, Nebula, K'arkh, Astaroth
7 Thea, Lars, Celeste, Krista, Aurora
8 Thea, Darkstar, Kai, Alvanor, Aurora
9 Thea, Jhu, Morrigan, QingMao, Luther
10 Thea, Jorgen, Nebula, Jhu, Astaroth

Thea Guide Conclusion

While Thea may not be the most popular choice in end-game teams, her unique qualities make her a valuable asset in certain strategies. By understanding her strengths and synergies, you can maximize her potential and lead your team to victory in the ever-evolving battles of Hero Wars Alliance.

Video suggestion

Video: Thea Rework is Wonderful, Hero Wars.

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